1. Respecting your privacy and protecting your personal data

Attender collects information to understand your needs better. This helps us to improve our services and the way we communicate with you. We know that privacy is important to you and we strive to be as open and transparent as possible in how we serve you. Attender's Data Protection Policy aims to help you understand how we collect, use, share and protect your personal information.

2. Ways we collect your personal information

We may collect your personal information when you:

  • Subscribe to our services
  • Sign up for alerts or newsletters
  • Contact us with a question or request for assistance
  • Participate in a competition, lucky draw or survey
  • Visit our websites and applications (through the use of cookies / mobile advertising IDs and other technologies)

3. The information we collect

The information we collect depends on the Attender products and services you use and subscribe to. Here are key examples:

3.1 Your identity

This may include telephone number, e-mail address, , as well as service-related information such as bank and credit card details, device ID and IP address.

3.2 Your interaction with us.

For example, a note or recording of a call you make to one of our contact centres, an email or letter you send to us or other records of any contact you have with us.

3.3 Your account information.

For example, the subscription services you use or other details related to your account.

3.4 Information from other organisations

These organisations include fraud-prevention agencies, business directories, credit reference agencies or individuals we believe you have authorised to provide your personal details on your behalf.

4. How we use your information

We may use your information for:

4.1 Provisioning & administration of services

  • Process your orders and activate or deactivate services
  • Enable us to process bills and payments
  • Respond to enquiries and requests from you or people you have authorised
  • Verification of identity.
  • Store information for performing certain functions such as completing forms, facilitating website navigation, authentication, and enabling marketing and advertising technology

4.2 Market research, network & service enhancement.

  • Conduct market research and customer satisfaction surveys to improve our customer service; develop new products, as well as personalise the services we offer you
  • Improve our Services
  • Perform market analysis
  • Improve your user experience based on your usage behaviour on our websites and applications

(Upon request from private and public organisations, we may provide information collected as described above for their planning purposes. The information included within any reports to these organisations is always aggregated and anonymised such that no particular individual is identifiable.)

4.3 Sharing of rewards and benefits

  • Offer rewards and promotions, and share promotional benefits and loyalty programs which you may qualify for.
  • Provide updates, offers, invitations to events and deliver relevant advertising, including through voice, SMS and digital advertising with your prior consent or if otherwise permitted under local laws and regulations

4.4 Security and risk management

  • Inform you of service and security issues
  • Prevent and detect fraud or other crimes and recover debts.
  • Conduct internal audits and determine creditworthiness.
  • Ensure the safety and security of our properties and systems.
  • Conduct checks against money laundering, terrorism financing and related risks.

4.5 Legal & regulatory requirements

  • Meet legal, regulatory and other requirements including providing assistance to law enforcement, judicial and other government agencies

We will not use your personal data for purposes other than what we have informed you, or which are permitted under local laws and regulations. We will not offer, publish or share your personal data with third parties outside of the Attender for commercial purposes, without seeking your explicit permission. We will retain your information for only as long as there is a business or legal need.

5. Sharing your information

We may share your information with:

  • Business partners and vendors we work with to deliver services you have subscribed to
  • Industry regulators and other government organisations, as required by local laws and regulations
  • Research institutions for market analysis purposes
  • Credit reference bureaus for the purpose of preparing credit reports or evaluation of creditworthiness

Your information is disclosed to the above only for relevant purposes (please refer to those mentioned in this Policy) or to protect the interests of our customers. In some cases, we encrypt, anonymise and aggregate the information before sharing it. Anonymising means stripping the information of personally identifiable features. Aggregating means presenting the information in groups or segments e.g. age groups. We will also ensure that overseas organisations we work with observe strict confidentiality and data protection obligations.

6. Protecting your information

We have implemented stringent measures to secure and protect your information. These include:

  • Safeguards to prevent security breaches in our network and database systems.
  • Limits on access to information in our systems and the systems of our business partners and vendors.
  • Strict verification processes to prevent unauthorised access to information,


Feel free to contact our Data Protection Officer at info@attender.ai

General Information

We may amend or modify this Policy from time to time, such as in response to changes to legislation. We remain committed to safeguarding your information and being open about our data protection practices. This Policy is to be read together with our Terms and Conditions of Services - General and applies to all products and services provided by Attender. Please note that different or separate data protection policies may apply to specific products and services provided by Attender. Please refer to the terms of use for specific products and services for more information.

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